Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Email sent regarding Misleading Constitution Propaganda

I have copied below the body of an email that I sent to "info@constitutionfacts.com" upon my discovery that the booklet "The US Constitution And Fascinating Facts About It" did not include the 2000 Supreme Court decision which appointed George W. Bush as dictator within the US Government in the section "20 Landmark Cases In Supreme Court History".

I purchased 100 of your booklets to distribute to others who were not taught what I was about the Constitution and apparently the "Powers that Be" don't want taught anymore.

Although the books are Copyright dated 2007 the "20 Landmark Cases in Supreme Court History" are dated 1803 - 1990.

To this generation the most important US Supreme Court Case was the Bush vs Gore re the 2000 voter fraud which handed the crown to George W Bush by a 5-4 vote of Judges, some of which should be tried for treason for not recusing themselves.

It is my opinion that without that Coup of the US Government by some of the same people who were involved in the JFK conspiracy, 9/11/2001 would not have happened.

There had been to much time and to many promises made to many people, secret agencies, corporations and other governments and there had been billions perhaps trillions of dollars spent they could not repay without the substance abuser George to play the crowds and drive America into the ground the way he has and apparently is very willing to continue to do. The way they stripped us of our Constitutional rights was very clever indeed. The sad part about it is that I don't think that there is anything that I can do about it at this stage of the game. Apparently the military and all of the congress persons do not care that they took an oath to protect the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The real terrorists are the domestic variety and nobody seems to care.

It is such a waste that the Powers that Be are not bright enough to see that when people are successful, healthy and happy everybody is a winner. Nobody is a winner when the entire planet is filled with death and destruction.

I had a great-grandfather that fought in the Civil War. A great-grandfather who fought in the War to end all Wars (WWI). A great Uncle who graduated from West Point, as well as his son and grandson. I don't think that my ancestors who fought for their country would want this to happen to this country.

"On my Honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my Country." is the start of the Scout Oath of the Boy Scouts of America. I am an Eagle Scout and intend on "Doing My Best" to do my duty to my Country, As I learned to define it. NOT as they are changing the definitions with their propaganda and media shows as distractions.

God Save America

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