Sunday, February 18, 2007

The NWO does not want 9/11 as a voting issue

» edit | reply | 2 points The NWO does not want 9/11 as a voting issue
.. they will keep the war going in Iraq as a diversion as well as take advantage of every other opportunity to keep the truth hidden.

The truth movement needs to make re-opening the investigation a voting issue.
It is my belief that 9/11 would not have happened if George Bush was not appointed President in 2000.
The Pentagon and Shanksville were diversions for the real insurance fraud staged by the wealthy elitists involved with the advanced planning of clearing the World Trade Center Complex in NYC for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, as well as Mr. Silverstein and Mr. Frank Lowy.

It had been in the works since the first commercial flight guided by global positioning landed at Newark International Airport in September 1998. The Press Release is at
3 days after the scheduled first landing another Press Release announced "In Historic Shift, Port Authority puts World Trade Center on Market"

The fraudulent real estate development project took time and money to plan, build the specialty aircraft that hit the towers, plan and plant the explosives and buy the politicians.

The problem came in 2000 when Bush lost Florida to Al Gore. They did some fancy legal gyrations and the Supreme Court appointed by his father was forced to repay the favors ruled in his favor.
Without that there would not have been a 9/11/01.
They could not buy Mr. Gore.

Submitted by NJcpaTOM on Sun, 02/18/2007 - 1:41am.