Thursday, August 30, 2007

My reply to "nuggets" comment about a blog 8/30/07

I fear that you are just scratching the surface when it comes to describing how big and how many countries are really involved with 9/11.
One point you might want to consider is that it was so important that it be done with George W. Bush as President. The evidence for this is the 2000 presidential election Coup. He was appointed by the US Supreme court judges on a split decision due to a voter fraud uncovered in the State of Florida, which just happened to have his brother as Governor at that time.
There is a two part video about it available for free downloading at the following website. It is "Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election" as well as a BBC documentary called "How Bush Stole the election". You will have to scroll past all of the free 9/11 videos.

That was the death blow to America. It's my opinion that there were so many people, you know the kind that are so powerful that you don't say "NO" to, that spent trillions of dollars. Didn't Rumsfeld announce that they Pentagon could not account for 2 or 3 trillion dollars just before 9/11 ?

You can't blame any specific country. All the little European countries let the CIA extradite people. Germany and Italy are the only ones who asked extradition for the CIA agents to be tried for their crimes.

The "hijackers" were mostly from Saudi Arabia. Pakistan, India, UK and a great many other secret intelligence agencies were involved as well. The major Corporations were involved. When asked about the Pod that is clear as day on the bottom of the second plane that hit a Tower Boeing refused to identify the aircraft citing "National Security" restrictions. American Airlines and United Airlines as well.

All of the insurance companies benefited from the new product that 9/11 gave them to sell from the entire US Congress. Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.

There was a great deal of legislation that had been prepared and paid for in advance of 9/11. You aren't really naive enough to think that the Patriot Act was whipped up overnight are you?

The WTC Towers were long considered white elephants. There had even been a secret study about how to erect scaffolding to decommission the buildings in 1989.

1998 The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey issued a press release announcing the first successful landing of a commercial aircraft at their Newark International Airport by the use of the new technology called the Global Positioning System.
3 days later there is another press release that announced a Historic Shift in the Port Authority's planning and that they were putting the WTC on the open market.
The problem was that nobody would buy it because the new owner would have had to go along with the NYC building codes that the Port Authority was exempt from and that meant removing the asbestos that was outlawed after the towers were complete.
Mr. Eisenberg, Director of the Port Authority, Mr Silverstein, who already was leasing WTC-7 and Mr Frank Lowy who is involved with the Westfield Group who leased all the retail space in the trade center in July 2001 with Silverstein.
Each of them made a huge profit.
I have no complaints about the buildings being down. My complaint is that the job was so nicely done that it proved that they could have done it without the loss of anybodies life and was used by evil people to cause chaos and death with wars.
Those wars have also had an impact on our economy to the point where the US dollar is no longer the choice of currency for the other countries. It has lost and is still losing it's value. We keep printing paper money like it was monopoly money but there is nothing behind it. You can't turn a one dollar federal reserve note into one dollar of silver anymore.
It's sad. I keep waiting for them to come get me. I think for myself and don't buy into all their crap. I am artful at rocking the boat but don't want to tip it over because if the boat tips over everybody loses. I don't now how to stop it other than to believe that the Higher Power that I believe exists is Good and will find away to overcome the Evil which has befallen the planet earth.
I better stop.

Friday, August 24, 2007

What is the World's Public Opinion about 9/11 ?

I sent an email to after the office closed on 8/24/07.

The Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) studies public opinion on international issues. PIPA is a joint program of the Center on Policy Attitudes (COPA) and the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM), University of Maryland.

I admit that I might have been better off waiting until I at least re-read it but thoughts are more important than correct word useage. Below are the contents of the email with the links working.
"The UN Charter was signed in 1945 by 49 countries, including the US .
The Preamble to that Charter can be read at

In 1947 the US organized the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) according to the Wikipedia at:

I believe that 2 of the 3 functions of the CIA are direct violations of the Preamble to the Charter.

I have copied and pasted specific sections from the Preamble below:

“to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and"

The CIA released recently a document called “The CIA’s Family Jewels”

in which they admitted breaking not only internatioal laws but also the laws of the US .

There is evidence that the CIA was involved with many covert operations as “False Flags” for the US to go to war and, I believe also had some part in the assination of John F Kennedy in Dallas .

I believe that the voter fraud in Florida , Jeb Bush was Governor, during the 2000 presidential election which resulted in the apppointment of George Bush as president by the US Supreme Court. There are two videos available for downloading about the 2000 election. Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election – In 2 Parts & Bush Stole The Election BBC Documentary at :

President Clinton signed the Rome Treaty on 12/31/2000 and in May 2002 the International Criminal Court was notified by the Bush Administration that the US did not wish to take part in the Internation Justice system.

I have read the Congressional record for 9/10/2001 where a Senator made false allocations and presented them as “findings” to get the Rome Treaty into the legislation on the floor. After the findings were inserted the same Senator made suggested an admendment to stike out the findings and just leave “no allocation of funds” for the ICC.

We all know that 9/11/01 was a very bad day that George Bush didn’t even want to investigate. He didn’t appoint a Commission for over a year. None of the insurance companies involved bothered to investigate because there was Legislation passed which provided the insurance companies with a new product to sell “Terrorism Risk Insurance”. The evidence was quickly wisked away illegally. For the sake of being short the Official 9/11 Commission Report is sadly lacking of truth. It omitted eyewitness testimony and was interferred with by members of the White House.

The UN Security Council Passed a Resolution 1368 on 9/12/2001.

It is my belief that all the Polls that you are taking and have alread taken are based on lies of the US Government which has been overthrown from within by, for the lack of complete information I will call it “the Bush Crime Family & friends” for other countries.

Somebody has to stop the very powerful & real terrorists who are posing as the elected officials of the US Government.

Please help God Save America."

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Answer to a 8/23/07 Jack Cafferty question on CNN

The question: What should be done differently in the war on terror?

My answer:

The president said yesterday something along the lines that if the Iraqi government didn't respond to the demands of the Iraqi people, it was up to the Iraqi people to change the government not the American Politicians.

At the same time, the president has our soldiers dying to keep the Iraqi people from changing their government.

Since our president has constantly refused to respond to the demands of the American people, how can the people of America get the real terrorists out of the White House and Congress?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Open letter to the History Channel - re 9/11 conspiracy program aired August 20, 2007

Good Morning,

I would like to commend you for your attempt to stay in the middle of the road with your above mentioned presentation. I am a resident of Maywood, NJ and work in Hackensack, NJ a few miles west from the George Washington Bridge. I frequently watch the History Channel programs.

I like many others have found your above mentioned program lacking of qualified experts to debunk the conspiracy theories. Whoever selected the Popular Mechanics "Editor" and his "researcher" as experts of everything and giving them the last word on everything was unfair.

Popular Mechanics is only around because people like me have read the ones from the 1930s & 40s that my father had.

I realize that whoever directed the two hour documentary had quite a task since the amount of material is so vast and complex but I think it was better than your ignoring it. It is history. Unfortunately a sad history that has cost us thousands of lives and billions of dollars being pumped into wars which we can't afford. We neither have the money nor the resources. As soon as Bush invaded Iraq I told my son that Iraq was his Vietnam. Unfortunately it appears that I was right. Sometimes I wish I was wrong.

Wouldn't it be great if the history channel could get a reputation of independently investigating at least some of the material that is fading into history on the grounds that history should record the truth regardless of the outcome.

I would like to suggest that there is sufficient material available that a series could be done, perhaps someone would be willing to actually investigate the alternatives pro and/or con of each theory. Rather than skirt over them in a certain time period. You could be creating history rather than just showing history in a hap-hazzard manner.

Contrary to what the program stated about the "Truthers" having all the answers and filling in the voids, I don't. I have questions which require answers. My wife was shopping in the Century 21 across the street from the World Trade Center Towers when she heard the first plane hit. I won't bore you with the rest of the people that I know that have been effected by the events of that day and clearing of Ground Zero on the belief that the air was safe to breath.

I don't know the Truth about everything and I have to rely on my brain, common sense and forensic experience as well as the opinions of others that I trust in their various expertise.

As a forensic accountant (CPA, DABFA) there are questions that I have asked and have been able to satisfy myself regarding the financial consequences. I speak for no organization other than myself but I belong to a few. I was banned without warning completely from the 911 Pilots for Truth. I joined to find out where American Airlines Flight 77 landed.

I forgot if your program mentioned that some of the hijackers were found alive after the planes that they allegedly hijacked crashed into buildings. My question is simple, if someone was able to get off of the plane it had to land. So I joined the 911 Pilots for Truth forum and did research. I asked questions about the flight transponders. It is common knowledge that each aircraft had irregularities with their flight transponders at some time during the filghts. I was given a link where I could find a thick book with an explanation of "it would take me three weeks to teach you about the flight transponders". So I followed the link and was able to download the book. I asked questions about how the flight transponders are controlled. I was informed that the blips on the radar screens that identified a particular flight were manually input by a numeric code in any flight transponder and that the flight transponders are located in the cockpit. It is even a "checklist item". I asked if a flight transponder could be turned off in one aircraft and that code could be entered into a flight transponder of an aircraft that was already in the air. I received a "yes, it is possible". I then asked what the people in the control towers see and was informed that they see the blip that is put out from the flight transponder. They don't get any indication what kind of physical aircraft I asked ? No they never see the physical aircraft, was the response. I asked if a piper cub entered the code for Flight 77 and took off from the airport as Flight 77 it would be considered Flight 77 until they turned the flight transponder off and another aircraft already airborn could enter the code for Flight 77 and all of the professional air traffic controllers would identify the second plane as Flight 77. I was assured that that was a possibilty.

This is an example of what could be contained in a series based upon the 9/11 Conspiracy. The 9/11 Offical Commission Report ommitted a great deal of testamony from William Rodriques who was in the building and heard an explosion from below before the first plane hit above. He was a maintenance man and the last man out of the tower before it collapsed. As well as the firemen who were in the tower and described the patter of explosions. I believe that the 9/11 Commission was sent with the job to support all the insurance claims that had already been filed before the president appointed the commission in 2003. I forgot if your program mentioned that the Chairman of the 9/11 committee wrote a book last year when his son was running for the Senate for the Republican Party as an Independent Reformer. The book was about how the White House interferred with the Commission and was pressuring them to complete the task at hand. I don't think much of the person who signed off on something that he knew was misleading and incomplete. But then I am not a politician.

Your program also didn't go into the Pyroplastic flow similar to volcanoes which was shown in "911 Eyewitness" which was filmed from New Jersey.

I have to believe Professor Jones that the buildings were rigged for controlled demolition. If you have seen the numerous other famous fires in steel framed structures that burned hotter and longer that the 2 110 story buildings and they didn't collapse. I don't buy the pancake theory as the 9/11 Commission states.
Also Marvin Bush, the president's younger brother was hired as head of security of the World Trade Center from about 1998 through September 11 and was on the Board of Directors of one of the 25 or so insurance companies involved.

If you step back and look at it the people that pulled off the controlled demolition did a great job. I don't think that other that all the buildings that were on the land owned by the Port Authority of NY & NJ suffered sufficient damage that they were required to be destroyed. They should be congratulated for a job well done BUT there was no reason that anybody had to die. The slang term, as I see it, is Jewish Lightening. You know, clearing land of worthless buildings.

Were you aware that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey put out a press release in September 1998 regarding the first sucessful landing of a commercial aircraft using the Global Positioning System and 3 days later they issued another press release announcing a Historic Shift and put the World Trade Center up for sale on the public market?

Again, I want to thank you for your attempt. With all the politics and money involved I was surprised you did anything at all with 9/11. Someone once told me that bad publicity is better than no publicity. Also, it is OK to rock the boat, just be careful not to tip the boat over. I would be interested in seeing for myself the 9/11 conspiracies get proven wrong. Similar to the Myth Busters on the Discovery channel.

These were just my thoughts, my best to everyone involved with your organization.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I have added some thoughts to my previous post called "TREASON OF THE BLACKEST DYE" which I have also copied in this post.

1) George (Benedict Arnold) Bush and his band of thieves have committed Treason but like Benedict Arnold they have escaped from punishment. There are a variety of reasons for this, such as they are more powerful than the original Traitor. They came into Power slowly over the past 50 or 60 years and with the successful voter fraud in the 2000 presidential election which resulted in the appointment of a president, as the biggest coup in history of the United States of America. They are the real Terrorists but their escape is only temporary. At least I hope so.

2) They have lost every Honor that even Bush Sr. had earned during his combat in WWII. They have turned the once honorable US military profession into sniveling weaklings affraid to stand up for what is right. Those that had the backbone retired and others were lost to "friendly fire", "suicides" and/or "accidental" deaths. Bush Sr. started to lose it by his involvement in the CIA during the late 1950's and early 1960's. The name of BUSH is ruined as a Honorable name in American Politics and, as far as I am concerned, they are a disgrace to this country. They are not heroes that any honest people will follow. They destroyed the faith that everybody all over the world had in America and made us the most hated country in the world. They have been destroying justice for years.

3) I hope that they incorrectly misjudged the American people. They thought that if they could control the press, which they do, that they would get away with another Warren Commission Report. I am sorry that I did not recognize that sooner but I was to busy growing up when I was in high school. I think that those who forced the Congress to set up a Committee which found that JFK's execution was a conspiracy deserve the thanks of every American.

4) They did not think that some of our allies from other countries would learn the truth about 9/11 but they did and the other countries are starting to make noise to their leaders, who are probably trying to hold out until the 2008 election, if we will be permitted to have one.

5) And what is it all for ? Funny Money ? They have successfully made a solvent nation into a debtor nation. You can't gain wealth just by printing worthless money. Ask the Confederate States how much their money is worth. It's like monopoly money. The problem is the everybody is afraid to tell them the truth, they are out of control.

6) The faulty 9/11 Official Commission report is proof that they haven't been totally successful and as was said in 1780. The Providential train of circumstances which led to it affords the most convincing proof, that the Liberties of America is the object of Divine Protection. Didn't you ever learn that evil cannot overcome good. Every religion has a God and they all are on our side. They probably don't even know who they really are but then again why should they care?

7) Our Enemies despairing of carrying their point by force, are practising every base Art to effect by Bribery & Corruption what they cannot accomplish in a manly way. What drugs were they on when they had the bright idea about being able to conquer the World with their lies, bribery and corruption of the political system and controling the Freedom of the Press ? Did they really believe they would and/or could get away with it forever? I have not seen anything built on lies that lasts that long. It is just that they are sick, twisted, evil, and desire for immediate distorted self-esteem. They have surrounded yourselves with "yes men" who have no idea and apparently don't care how much contempt and fear the everyday honest peace loving citizens of the planet earth have for them. They do have to die someday and I know that my higher power has a special place to put them. It's called Hell.

8) I better stop before I write something that I will regret.

"Orderly Book of the New Jersey Brigade - July 30 to October 8,1780"
From the original manuscript in the New York Public Library - Published by the Bergen County Historical Society New Jersey 1922" includes the following entry dated 26th September 1780 regarding the Traitor Benedict Arnold.

"Genl Green's Head Quarters 26th Septr 1780"
"The Martial appearance made by the Troops yesterday, the order & regularity with which they made the different marches, & the ease and fesility they performed the several maneuvers, does then the greatest credit and affords the most flattering prospect of substantial service, reputation and military glory. Nothing can be more pleasing to the Officers who feel for the Honor of the Army and the Independence of America, than to see the rapid progress made by the Troops in military decipline. The good conduct of all the officers yesterday gave the General the highest satisfaction, and the perticular services of the Inspector Genl and those serving in that line deserve his particular thanks.

TREASON OF THE BLACKEST DYE was yesterday discover'd, General Arnold who commanded at West Point lost to every sentiment of Honor of private & publick obligation was about to deliver up that Important Post into the hands of the Enemy; Such an event must have given the American cause a deadly wound if not a fatal stab. Happyly the Treason has been timely discovered to prevent the fatal misfortune. The Providential train of circumstances which led to it affords the most convinceing proof, that the Liberties of America is the object of devine Protection.

At the same time that the Treason is to be regreted The General cannot help congratulating the Army on the happy discovery. Our Enemies dispairing of carrying their point by force, are practiseing every base Art to effect by Bribary & Corruption what they cannot accomplish in a manly way. Great Honor is due to the American Army that this is the first Instance of treason of the kind, where many were to be expected from the nature of the dispute, And nothing is so bright an ornament in the character of the American soldiers as their having been proof against all Arts and seductions of an insidious Enemy.

Arnold has made his escape to the Enemy, but Mr Andre (Adjt General to the British Army who came to negotiate the Business) is our Prisoner.
His Excellency The Commander in Chief has arrived at West Point from Hartford, and so is no doubt taking the proper measures to unravel fully so Hellish a Plott."

Also in the same publication dated 1st October 1780:

"The Board of General Officers appointed, to examine into the Case of Majr Andrie have reported,
1st That he came on shore from the Vulture sloop of War in the night of the 21st Septr last, on an interview with General Arnold in a private secret manner,
2ndly that he changed his dress within our Lines and under a feign'd name & in a disguis'd habit pass'd our works at Stony & Verplanks Points in the evening of the 22d Septr last, and was taken the morning of the 23d Septr last at Tarry Town in a disguis'd habit, being then on his way to N. York, and when taken he had in his possession several Papers which contain'd Inteligence for the Enemy, The Board having maturely considered these facts, do also report to his Excellency Genl Washington that Majr Andrie Adjt Genl to the British Army ought to be considered a Spy from the Enemy, and that agreeable to the Law & usage of Nations, it is their opinion he ought to suffer Death.

The Commander in Chief directs the Execution of the above Sentence in the usial way this afternoon at 5 OClock precisely.

Genl After Orders - The Execution of Majr Andrie is postponed untill tomorrow.
Evening Orders - Majr Andrie is to be Executed at 12 OClock tomorrow precisely. A Battln of 80 Files from each Wing to attend the Execution."

(emphasis added) There is no mention that the orders were carried out in the book.


"Orderly Book of the New Jersey Brigade - July 30 to October 8,1780"
From the original manuscript in the New York Public Library - Published by the Bergen County Historical Society New Jersey 1922" includes the following entry dated 26th September 1780 regarding the Traitor Benedict Arnold.

"Genl Green's Head Quarters 26th Septr 1780"
"The Martial appearance made by the Troops yesterday, the order & regularity with which they made the different marches, & the ease and fesility they performed the several maneuvers, does then the greatest credit and affords the most flattering prospect of substantial service, reputation and military glory. Nothing can be more pleasing to the Officers who feel for the Honor of the Army and the Independence of America, than to see the rapid progress made by the Troops in military decipline. The good conduct of all the officers yesterday gave the General the highest satisfaction, and the perticular services of the Inspector Genl and those serving in that line deserve his particular thanks.

TREASON OF THE BLACKEST DYE was yesterday discover'd, General Arnold who commanded at West Point lost to every sentiment of Honor of private & publick obligation was about to deliver up that Important Post into the hands of the Enemy; Such an event must have given the American cause a deadly wound if not a fatal stab. Happyly the Treason has been timely discovered to prevent the fatal misfortune. The Providential train of circumstances which led to it affords the most convinceing proof, that the Liberties of America is the object of devine Protection.

At the same time that the Treason is to be regreted The General cannot help congratulating the Army on the happy discovery. Our Enemies dispairing of carrying their point by force, are practiseing every base Art to effect by Bribary & Corruption what they cannot accomplish in a manly way. Great Honor is due to the American Army that this is the first Instance of treason of the kind, where many were to be expected from the nature of the dispute, And nothing is so bright an ornament in the character of the American soldiers as their having been proof against all Arts and seductions of an insidious Enemy.

Arnold has made his escape to the Enemy, but Mr Andre (Adjt General to the British Army who came to negotiate the Business) is our Prisoner.
His Excellency The Commander in Chief has arrived at West Point from Hartford, and so is no doubt taking the proper measures to unravel fully so Hellish a Plott."

Also in the same publication dated 1st October 1780:

"The Board of General Officers appointed, to examine into the Case of Majr Andrie have reported,
1st That he came on shore from the Vulture sloop of War in the night of the 21st Septr last, on an interview with General Arnold in a private secret manner,
2ndly that he changed his dress within our Lines and under a feign'd name & in a disguis'd habit pass'd our works at Stony & Verplanks Points in the evening of the 22d Septr last, and was taken the morning of the 23d Septr last at Tarry Town in a disguis'd habit, being then on his way to N. York, and when taken he had in his possession several Papers which contain'd Inteligence for the Enemy, The Board having maturely considered these facts, do also report to his Excellency Genl Washington that Majr Andrie Adjt Genl to the British Army ought to be considered a Spy from the Enemy, and that agreeable to the Law & usage of Nations, it is their opinion he ought to suffer Death.

The Commander in Chief directs the Execution of the above Sentence in the usial way this afternoon at 5 OClock precisely.

Genl After Orders - The Execution of Majr Andrie is postponed untill tomorrow.
Evening Orders - Majr Andrie is to be Executed at 12 OClock tomorrow precisely. A Battln of 80 Files from each Wing to attend the Execution."

(emphasis added) There is no mention that the orders were carried out in the book.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Is "Like a New Pearl Harbor" the best phrase to describe 9/11

I understand but those on the fringes probably won't think it through that far and that's why I think we need to change the analogy.

But I don't know what an acceptable analogy or expression would be to convince them.

My sister refuses to listen to anything about United 93 because her daughter has a friend whose father was on that flight and they went to his funeral.
She can't see the lack of wreckage because they went to a funeral.
She can't see no bodies because she went to a funeral.
She can't read the news item about United 93 making a safe emergency landing in a Cleveland Airport because she went to a funeral.

I live in Bergen County, NJ about 10 miles west of the GWB and can't even get people who were near the towers on 9/11 to step back and look at the facts. I've been trying for almost 2 years. They won't even take a free DVD. My wife is one of them. She is seriously considering retiring because she developed Rosacea and has trouble getting into the city. People from a lot of the little towns here lost people.

I know a person who lives in Brooklyn about 3 miles from Ground zero and he is having breathing problems. He is also the one who got me started doing my own investigation. I had to send him an email tonight to contact someone who is familiar with the dust situation.

When you say to them like another Pearl Harbor which was real, they respond see we told you it's bin-Laden.

Pearl Harbor was attacked by actual Japaneese with aircraft and bombs made in Japan.
9/11 was not carried out by a clear cut enemy, it was a series of covert operations perhaps preformed by Americans and/or their allies.