Wednesday, August 15, 2007


"Orderly Book of the New Jersey Brigade - July 30 to October 8,1780"
From the original manuscript in the New York Public Library - Published by the Bergen County Historical Society New Jersey 1922" includes the following entry dated 26th September 1780 regarding the Traitor Benedict Arnold.

"Genl Green's Head Quarters 26th Septr 1780"
"The Martial appearance made by the Troops yesterday, the order & regularity with which they made the different marches, & the ease and fesility they performed the several maneuvers, does then the greatest credit and affords the most flattering prospect of substantial service, reputation and military glory. Nothing can be more pleasing to the Officers who feel for the Honor of the Army and the Independence of America, than to see the rapid progress made by the Troops in military decipline. The good conduct of all the officers yesterday gave the General the highest satisfaction, and the perticular services of the Inspector Genl and those serving in that line deserve his particular thanks.

TREASON OF THE BLACKEST DYE was yesterday discover'd, General Arnold who commanded at West Point lost to every sentiment of Honor of private & publick obligation was about to deliver up that Important Post into the hands of the Enemy; Such an event must have given the American cause a deadly wound if not a fatal stab. Happyly the Treason has been timely discovered to prevent the fatal misfortune. The Providential train of circumstances which led to it affords the most convinceing proof, that the Liberties of America is the object of devine Protection.

At the same time that the Treason is to be regreted The General cannot help congratulating the Army on the happy discovery. Our Enemies dispairing of carrying their point by force, are practiseing every base Art to effect by Bribary & Corruption what they cannot accomplish in a manly way. Great Honor is due to the American Army that this is the first Instance of treason of the kind, where many were to be expected from the nature of the dispute, And nothing is so bright an ornament in the character of the American soldiers as their having been proof against all Arts and seductions of an insidious Enemy.

Arnold has made his escape to the Enemy, but Mr Andre (Adjt General to the British Army who came to negotiate the Business) is our Prisoner.
His Excellency The Commander in Chief has arrived at West Point from Hartford, and so is no doubt taking the proper measures to unravel fully so Hellish a Plott."

Also in the same publication dated 1st October 1780:

"The Board of General Officers appointed, to examine into the Case of Majr Andrie have reported,
1st That he came on shore from the Vulture sloop of War in the night of the 21st Septr last, on an interview with General Arnold in a private secret manner,
2ndly that he changed his dress within our Lines and under a feign'd name & in a disguis'd habit pass'd our works at Stony & Verplanks Points in the evening of the 22d Septr last, and was taken the morning of the 23d Septr last at Tarry Town in a disguis'd habit, being then on his way to N. York, and when taken he had in his possession several Papers which contain'd Inteligence for the Enemy, The Board having maturely considered these facts, do also report to his Excellency Genl Washington that Majr Andrie Adjt Genl to the British Army ought to be considered a Spy from the Enemy, and that agreeable to the Law & usage of Nations, it is their opinion he ought to suffer Death.

The Commander in Chief directs the Execution of the above Sentence in the usial way this afternoon at 5 OClock precisely.

Genl After Orders - The Execution of Majr Andrie is postponed untill tomorrow.
Evening Orders - Majr Andrie is to be Executed at 12 OClock tomorrow precisely. A Battln of 80 Files from each Wing to attend the Execution."

(emphasis added) There is no mention that the orders were carried out in the book.

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