Friday, August 24, 2007

What is the World's Public Opinion about 9/11 ?

I sent an email to after the office closed on 8/24/07.

The Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) studies public opinion on international issues. PIPA is a joint program of the Center on Policy Attitudes (COPA) and the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM), University of Maryland.

I admit that I might have been better off waiting until I at least re-read it but thoughts are more important than correct word useage. Below are the contents of the email with the links working.
"The UN Charter was signed in 1945 by 49 countries, including the US .
The Preamble to that Charter can be read at

In 1947 the US organized the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) according to the Wikipedia at:

I believe that 2 of the 3 functions of the CIA are direct violations of the Preamble to the Charter.

I have copied and pasted specific sections from the Preamble below:

“to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and"

The CIA released recently a document called “The CIA’s Family Jewels”

in which they admitted breaking not only internatioal laws but also the laws of the US .

There is evidence that the CIA was involved with many covert operations as “False Flags” for the US to go to war and, I believe also had some part in the assination of John F Kennedy in Dallas .

I believe that the voter fraud in Florida , Jeb Bush was Governor, during the 2000 presidential election which resulted in the apppointment of George Bush as president by the US Supreme Court. There are two videos available for downloading about the 2000 election. Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election – In 2 Parts & Bush Stole The Election BBC Documentary at :

President Clinton signed the Rome Treaty on 12/31/2000 and in May 2002 the International Criminal Court was notified by the Bush Administration that the US did not wish to take part in the Internation Justice system.

I have read the Congressional record for 9/10/2001 where a Senator made false allocations and presented them as “findings” to get the Rome Treaty into the legislation on the floor. After the findings were inserted the same Senator made suggested an admendment to stike out the findings and just leave “no allocation of funds” for the ICC.

We all know that 9/11/01 was a very bad day that George Bush didn’t even want to investigate. He didn’t appoint a Commission for over a year. None of the insurance companies involved bothered to investigate because there was Legislation passed which provided the insurance companies with a new product to sell “Terrorism Risk Insurance”. The evidence was quickly wisked away illegally. For the sake of being short the Official 9/11 Commission Report is sadly lacking of truth. It omitted eyewitness testimony and was interferred with by members of the White House.

The UN Security Council Passed a Resolution 1368 on 9/12/2001.

It is my belief that all the Polls that you are taking and have alread taken are based on lies of the US Government which has been overthrown from within by, for the lack of complete information I will call it “the Bush Crime Family & friends” for other countries.

Somebody has to stop the very powerful & real terrorists who are posing as the elected officials of the US Government.

Please help God Save America."

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