Monday, July 9, 2007

Another Answer to a 9/11 question.

I could go on a rant here with all the reasons why George W Bush was on "vacation" so much of his first year(s) as president. He would have gotten in the way and maybe screwed up when it came his turn to play president.

The 2000 Florida voter fraud was necessary because Jeb Bush promised his brother he would win in Florida. The events for 9/11 were already in the works, large amounts of money had been spent on the specialty built aircraft that hit the towers. The US Supreme court appointed the George W. Bush president on a very close vote.

I don't believe 9/11 would have happened without "The Decider" to play his role as "mr tough talker" just like Osama bin-Laden has a good face to play the part as "Terrorist".

Mr. George H. W. Bush with the help of Cheney, Wolfowitz, the CIA, and secret covert operators from a lot of other countries pulled a Coup of the US government in 2000.

Why aren't they worried about the DVD ?
As a participant in the JFK assassination, the Warren Report was successful using the "lone gunman theory", and they still haven't been caught. They tampered with the Zapruder film and were successful. They destroyed all the evidence and there were a great many suspicious deaths of eyewitnesses.
They have learned over the years to spread disinformation. That is one of the jobs of the CIA and other covert operations.

They have edited certain shots ever so slightly. Removing a frame or two here and there. They can be very persuasive. They aren't in a rush. They are all taking our money away from us with their wars, lack of justice and the abuses of execuitive office. Why would they want to take anymore chances than they have to. Congress isn't doing anything, the executive office is taking care of that. That's why the 2000 fraud was perpetrated.

Please watch this 4 min music video.

Thank you for your question.

Free 9/11 & other video downloads are available at:

God Save America

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