Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Secret Service "leapt into action" ?

The following was a reply to a comment at I posted it here also because some for my things have been censored there.

Is that just like they did to protect JFK in Dallas. They were ordered away from the car as it made the turn off the planned route.
The driver did not speed up until after the back of his head was blown off. A few shots had been fired by then.

I like your shorthand that turned the secret service into "SS". There was a camera running the entire time he was in the classroom. I think it is posted on You Tube.

Somehow I thought that it was the 3rd grade not the second grade.
Which article has Bush's claim of seeing the first plane hit the tower of the school's TV as he was entering the class.

The only known shots of the first plane hitting were the French brothers who were filming a documentary with the NYC fire department.

It wouldn't surprise me if someone in the government paid someone to film the events from either the other side of the river or from WTC 7 or some other unknown occasion.
FEMA said they were deployed to NYC on Monday 9/10/01.

What is really sick is that our tax money is being used to pay these after the fact accomplices.

There are also false flag truth organizations who block you from entering without warning if you put 2 + 2 together and write 4 as the result in a blog. Specifically Pilots for truth - pushing the fact that American Airlines actually had a flight 77 scheduled for that day when they didn't. The blips on radar only represent a code number that was manually entered into any flight transponder on any aircraft. Period.

I have also been censored here. Let's see if this gets through.

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