Thursday, April 5, 2007

Response to Barack's question about the democratic process

Let me answer your question with another question - What democratic process are you referring to ? I don't know of any that exist.
Since G.W. Bush was appointed president by the US Supreme Court in 2000. They didn't think that Jeb Bush's state of Florida would be won by Al Gore, so they stole the election. I have come to believe that had the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the truth rather than appoint G.W. Bush the tradgic events on 9/11/01 would not have happened.
I discovered that 9/11/01 was a planned series of government operations and the 9/11 Official Commission was told what reasons to put in their Official Report rather than the Truth and nobody in the current government dares come forward and even bring it up as an election issue.
Is the democratic process that you are referring to just pretending that a non-existent plane flown by hyjakers who were reported seen alive after the alledged crash into the Pentagon where GWB ordered a memorial to be erected so he can have a photo-op every September ?
I suggest that you be inovative and try the Truth. Start a Congressional investigation into the family relationships and financial relationships between the Bin Ladens and the Bush family or a real investigation into the events of 9/11/01 rather than running around the country being a distraction for GWB and his money making Iraq war. We are probably paying people on both sides just to keep it going. Where do you think the billions and trillions that the Pentagon can't account for go ? It isn't going into a democratic process.
I might not distrust a democratic process if I could find an honest one. I have already apoligized to my son for not leaving the earth in better condition than it was when I came into the world. I guess I was just naive that everybody was honest.
Congress could get more people involved if they started an independent investigation rather than a commission that was told what result to write a report to support, which happened to match the reasons on the insurance claims that had been filed and in the documents filed in the Federal courts before the end of Novemeber 2001 and the Commission didn't start until 2003.
That massive insurance fraud in NYC, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Mr Silverstein and Mr Frank Lowy and his Westfield Group that we all are paying for with the new insurance product (Terrorism Risk Insurance Act) given by the government to the insurance industry to prevent any insurance investigations during the iillegal removal of evidence during Mr Guiliani's term as Mayor of NYC.
The refusal of Boeing to identify POD on bottom of aircraft for "national security reasons"; "crashes" of non-existent aircraft that left no debris or bodies (PA & Pentagon).
The planned demolition of wtc 7 has yet to be explained.

I'm just an old forensic accountant. It seems nobody is interested in the truth anymore.

The government keeps changing tax regulations with a degree of complexity that so that middle income people can't do their own returns anymore and the professionals are more concerned getting numbers in the right places rather than getting the numbers right.

I can go on but you don't want to hear anymore anyway.

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