Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Should Iraq be called "war against covert operations"?

Ten months before the end of World War I - the US President Woodrow Wilson made a speech to the US Congress that contained 14 points.
"The Fourteen Points outlined in this speech served as both the basis for peace and the hopeful establishment of a better post-war world at the conclusion of "the culminating and final war for human liberty."

I think that the first point is the most important. It follows:
"1. Open covenants of peace must be arrived at, after which there will surely be no private international action or rulings of any kind, but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view."

Notice the lack of mention of covert organizations.

After WW II they formed the United Nations to be an organization where countries could settle their grievances.

Also notice the lack of mention of the need for covert organizations.

I think that history, especially the current history has been proven President Wilson was right.

The United States has had it's covert operations performed by at least the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agency
There is a great deal of controversy about who has determined what their covert operations have done and are doing. There is evidence that the CIA was involved as far back as the Cuba crisis. Free video downloads are available at: http://www.question911.com/linksall.htm

It is my belief that the events that occurred on 9/11/2001 were actually at least three covert operations.
1) The purpose of the covert operation in NYC was to clear the buildings from the property that belonged to The Port of Authority of New York and New Jersey. This blog will not go into details but the term "Jewish Lightning" may give a clue.
2) The section of the Pentagon that was hit by something was being renovated and the books were being audited. The rings There was a report on September 10, 2001 about how they could not account for Trillions of dollars or simply a diversion from the prime NYC operation. This is not the purpose of this blog.
3) The other site was Shanksville, PA. From what I read it may have been a test of some sort of electromagnetic weapon to find out what effects it would have and the area coverage of the ground or simply a diversion from the prime NYC operation. This is not the purpose of this blog.

How does President Bush know that he is not sending the US Army soldiers into harms way in Iraq because of various covert operations preformed by other countries that have fooled him into thinking that they are our friends ? Worse than that would be that the covert operations were being run by the Haliburton contractors in Iran. More troops in harms way will never resolve multiple covert operations by rogue agents and countries. Who knows how many covert agents belong to more than one covert agency. Where do their real loyalties belong?

President Bush ought to re-examine the loyalties of his own Vice-President. His 2006 income tax return reported over $1,000,000.00 of income on a salary of about $200,000.00. Is he really loyal to the $200,000.00 job that is scheduled to end on 12/31/2007? Is any of the other income result from the failure of the war in Iraq ?

I know that other countries such as Israel, Pakistan, Italy, Germany, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia and Iran have their own agencies to provide covert operations. Who makes the decisions about what covert operations happen? And are the the decision makers sure that the covert operations that the only covert operations that are being done? To whom are the agents of the covert operation organizations accountable? How do the covert operators know that they aren't the reason that Iraq has remained at war.

Who knows who is on whose side ?
Who knows who is really the "bad guy" when all the "guys" are equally bad ?

The other day there was a news article about an alleged retired FBI agent who had done some other work for the FBI on a consulting basis that just happened to decide that he wanted to take a "vacation" in Iran. Yeah right. The US doesn't even have "diplomatic relations" with Iran and this guy just decided that out of all the vacation paradises in the world he chose Iran. What was he thinking ?

Have the citizens of the world lost control to the covert operation agencies?

If it were up to me I'd say the war will end when all of the "secret organizations" in every country stop receiving funding. The CIA won't last long with selling their drugs. I don't know if Israel, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Britain, etc. ,etc. are doing the same.

President Woodrow Wilson was right. History has proven that, and we are caught in a quagmire because it was never done. So I'll repeat it again below:

"1. Open covenants of peace must be arrived at, after which there will surely be no private international action or rulings of any kind, but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view."

Maybe the United Nations should step in and prepare a Treaty that calls for the disbanding of all of the secretive covert operations agencies of the world.
Those nations that are to small to have one are potential victims of those that have them.

Can't we all just learn to live together in peace ?

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