Saturday, April 28, 2007

Yahoo answer to question about Assassination

I was a junior in high school when JFK was assassinated.
This country was very different then. You actually trusted the politicians and there was respect for the military, law & order etc.
So everybody actually believed the Warren Commission that was appointed by the then President Johnson to find out what happened.

It wasn't until 2005 or early 2006 until I was no longer involved with litigation with a large national bank for fraud that concerned Fiduciary accounts that they were a Trusttee of. I settled the case after the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the same bank that the Conneticut State court did not have the authority to pass judgement on a national bank even though that national bank committed the crime in Conneticut and told the person who had already been dragged through years of litigation in Conneticut that the bank did not have to pay him the money that the Conneticut Court awarded. And that he would have to retry the case in the national banks home state of North Carolina. I had been involved with the same national bank in the New Jersey State court since the late 1990s. I cut my losses and settled, especially since I saw ATMs from the same bank in the Coffee Shop in the Court Complex.

Anyway, now that you know why I started to look back so late after the 2000 voter fraud which led up to the poorly staged events of 9/11. Free downloads of videos relating to both crimes are available at:

The one that a friend of mine suggested that I watch first was "9:11: In Plane Site" which is available at that link.
Being a forensic accountant I couldn't believe what I saw, so I looked into it further with the hope of proving my friend wrong.

I am still looking, and don't like what I have been finding.
Apparently, if this person's information is reliable, George H.W. Bush was in Dallas, Texas on the day that President John F Kennedy was shot. He worked for the CIA at that time.

The Bush family also had financial ties and a family relationship with the bin-Laden family.

The free video downloads of the Kennedy Assassination are also available at:

They are after some of the other 9/11 videos that were instumental in my research. "911 Mysteries - Part I Demolition"; "Loose Change 2nd Edition (available in many different languages)" and "9/11 Eyewitness".

Having the information that I have now and seeing and living in the world as it has changed I think the key was the Assassination of JFK and if there was a way I could go back and stop it I would.

If you think of a reason that killing this president would benefit his father and friends from the other countries (Saudi Arabia, Israel, Kuwait, Pakistan, India, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, etc.) they would probably make the arrangements and pull it off. I wouldn't lift a finger to save the slime ball member of Skull & Bones. I probably would not be given an opportunity to.

Someone told me that the reason that Al Gore stopped fighting with the Court was because there were people who took him into a dark room and showed him 3 videos of JFK's assassination filmed from 3 different places.

I bet that since the Director of FEMA admitted that they were deployed to NYC on September 10, 2001. "911 Eyewitness"
It wouldn't surprise me that the first plane crashing into the tower could have been seen by the president as he said. Those tapes have not been released to the public.
Fee downloads are available at:

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