Tuesday, September 4, 2007

9-11 New World Rising (First Cut) Comments posted

As promised above I have watched the google video. I watched almost 1 hr & 19 min which did a dead end with David Rockefeller. It was labeled "first cut" so I am assuming that will change.

To be 100% honest, I have mixed feelings about what I have just seen and hope that I will be able to make some suggestions that may help the truth movement make progress.

I should warn you that I had sent an email to the people at http://www.newworldrisingmovie.com/ that started with my attempt to purchase one of the DVDs using the non-functioning Pay Pal link that appeared there at that time.

But that was before I watched this first cut. It mentions names of some of the wealthy but what it has not done, and maybe it is just because there is to much material for one DVD.

I also could not determine what driving point was supposed to be for a variety of reasons. If the DVD is supposed to prove that the towers were brought down with controlled demolition, it failed.

If the DVD is intended to go into some of the people who benefited from bringing down the Towers, it is incomplete. One of the biggest benefactors was the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey itself. As well as the two ex governors of NJ who were instrumental in the endgame (Kean - Chairman of 9/11 commission & Whitman Director of EPA who made the "Air is safe to breath remark") and the NY ex-governor who assured the speedy clean up of ground zero, ie illegal removal of evidence.
As well as Rudy G who, in my opinion is left in the Presidential race so there will be a race, so the people will think there will be a race to a 2008 presidential election which may never come to pass. It is his reward for playing along with the big boys.

I think that you gave the sellout, Peter Jennings, more time than the brave Dan Rather who is stuck on a cable program the last I heard for doing his usual good job. His voice makes it clear that they were brought down by controlled demolition. I'd tie that together with some of the BBC 23 minute early stuff. There were also some duplications of shots which could give you more space for new material. Don't forget that Peter Jennings just outright lied in a TV show about the Kennedy assassination. I wouldn't give liars more air time than the honest reporters who appear to be doing their jobs on the streets.

There were new, to me, views of WTC 7 coming down. I'd leave them in. WTC 7 was the building that Rudy used over $13 million of NYC taxpayer money to turn the 23rd floor into a bunkerish command center. I think that was the one that he avoided mentioning that he did not even bother to try to get in because we won't let you. Just like he can pretend to be a woman, he can also pretend to be other things also. If Rudy had been a man he would have shown up at WTC 7 and insisted, as the Mayor of taxpayers of NYC, entering into the command center bunker.
I'd just build a case that during the 1980s and/or 1990s that NYC spent over $13 million to be to City's Disaster Command Center and find out more details about the strength of it, what equipment had been installed; how it had it's own air and water supply, etc.
Then you can use the piece where when he is out on the streets you can use the reporters questions about the command center. I had heard that after the attempted 1993 FBI terrorist bombing some people were trying to claim that the Command Center had been moved but I have no confirm that I ever heard of putting a command center in what had already been a target. They might have tried knocking them down in 1993 but they sadly underestimated the strength of those towers.
Also mentioning the added strength to the 23rd floor as the Command Bunker build-up makes the "collapse" that much more improbable especially with Rudy now safely uptown. They must have had him play like a Pied Piper and draw the media uptown so nobody would have cameras on WTC 7.
FEMA had been deployed to NYC on 9/10 I wouldn't put it past them to have promised Rudy that he would be able to run for president as incentive to keep quiet. He almost gets the truth out during some of the interviews.
I have a friend who lives 3 miles as the crow flys from ground zero who is experiencing difficulty breathing more and more. He lives in Brooklyn.
WTC 6 had more damages from the towers and were left to burn all day and days later had to be rigged and "Pulled". It's on a DVD I just don't recall which one at present.

If your point is the people at the end you may do well to eliminate Silverstien, since you left out Lowy and Eisenberg, Kean & Whitman and maybe do a DVD on what The Port Authority of NY & NJ had to get out of it, what they got out of it and the technology that had already been tested in 1998 3 days prior to putting the Trade Center on the public market. September 1998 press release archives "New technology" press release 98-125 (I think). Announces the first successful landing of a commercial aircraft at their Newark Airport using only the Global Positioning System.

BTW - Your shot of the second jet crashing into the building is the clearest non-descriptive United Airlines wannabe I have ever seen and the flash out of the front is great also. Where did you get them?
I knew they had to be specialty built reinforced military aircraft. The flash was used to ensure penetration through the steel grid beams when it hit.

Also for your info one hit from the south going north and the other was headed south from the north. You may find that lining them up with WTC 7 might surprise you. It's my opinion that NYC's command center in WTC 7 was used to guide the pilot less aircraft using the Global Positioning System from 1998.

As far as the people go you haven't presented any dollar amounts that people generally associate with the term "benefit" them. You left out quite a few of the others. How about Peter Zelikow. the White House director of the 911 Commission ? He did write a book with Ms Rice, who also had advanced knowledge. Did you mention that.

I don't mean to sound negative towards your video. I think it has some great stuff but without an ending I haven't been able to draw this comment to a close. Until now.

If this doesn't get voted down. Please leave a reply. You should also have my email address if there is some way that I can help you. I will be glad to.

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