Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Comment to a Blog re the History Channel Program and much, much more

I thought the program actually may have benefited the Truth Movement regardless of the verbal gibberish and contradictions that the Popular Mechanics Magazine Editor and researcher kept doing.

We won the spread of photos of the alleged "crash" sites showing the very little planted evidence.

I don't believe that the "hit piece" as it has been called was really a hit on the Truth Movement. How can anyone say that a program that is aired on national TV, especially the History Channel" can be bad for the Truth movement?

If it was intended to be a hit piece they would have done a much better job of it.
For example: They showed the actual picture of the PA "crater" and another jet crash. They stressed the point that the picture of the "crater" was used as evidence for the government in the trial of the 20th hijacker. The best evidence they could get of a passenger jet airliner crash was a "crater"?
How many people are really stupid enough to believe the dribble that a plane the size of United 93 could and/or would bury itself if it crashed into the ground at 700 miles per hour? Aircraft are not built that strong. They don't even do that when they crash into water.
And if it could bury itself how could the Coroner change his story from the original TV interview were Loose Change picked up the quote that after 20 minuets he stopped being a Coroner. And also notice that it wasn't a regular cop or first responder who mentioned the bodies spread around, who was he anyway? Was he even there on 9/11 or was he hired to play that part? And how could those bodies be spread around if the plane buried itself when it crashed into the "Crater"?

Also, the picture of the dark puff of smoke alleged to be from the "crash". The lady may have taken that picture when they did what they did to make that "crater" but she did not see the plane make that little puff of smoke. She is only blowing smoke as she appears to be either lacking of a great deal of common sense or has received some sort of renumeration for telling her tale their way.
My common sense tells me that if I were to believe their story that an aircraft the size of United 93 were to crash into that ground at 700 miles per hour with sufficient force to bury it out of sight leaving only the crater that there would not be just that dark little puff of smoke.

Don't you think that the dirt that covered the plane after it entered would have to have been thrown out of the hole in the first place?
Give me a break.

They failed to mention that a zealous Cleveland reporter had reported on the news Internet site that the Mayor of Cleveland had reported that United 93 had made a emergency landing at the Cleveland airport due to a "bomb scare".
They retracted that report after a Radio talk show had mentioned the posting. I think The Power Hour website still has the article archived. I printed one out. That area of PA has been spread with Dollars from the Victims Funds allocated. The City of Cleveland had been spending money Lobbying Washington for years.

If you can accept that United 93 landed at Cleveland airport and that since at least one of the hijackers from that flight has been reported alive and well in Saudi Arabia then why couldn't those cell phone calls be real in the sense that the passengers made them from the Cleveland airport and, at best, were forced to accept being put into the Witness Protection Program" or killed. I prefer not to discuss the passengers but I am not the one that had anything to do with what happened to them. If they were told that their loved ones died then they must be dead. I prefer to think that the "powers that be" aren't cruel enough to kill them when there are alternative choices available. I didn't go to any of the wakes nor funerals and did not see any bodies.

In my opinion, the fact that those versions were aired world wide was good for the movement. It casts doubt about the United 93 Movies that had been released and turned them into fiction. More people asking more questions = growth in the numbers of people who feel that they are also being spoon fed a Myth.

Secondly, The Pentagon and the words that the wings were sheered off when it hit the building. The beautiful Pentagon lawn. The pictures of the 16 ft hole in the third ring of the strongest building in the world. The pictures of how far away the little scraps of soft metal being picked up by men in military uniforms at a "crash site"? Those pictures being shown were great. The talk about the French website that doubts that a American Airlines passenger jet crashed there is great.
The dribble and lame excuses as to how only five frames of one camera showed that the plane went into the building was contrary to the part where they explained why the plane was able to do as much damage through the three rings as it did on the initial hit is more support for us.

Even the lousy graphic animation that showed the towers to be weaker than they really were for the start of the controlled demolition. They could have done a better job. The CIA knows how to do it better than they did.

My feeling is that since the military had planned an Operation in Portland about a bomb that started on the day that that 911 story aired may have saved the military from actually setting off the Bomb. FEMA was deployed to NYC on 9/10 according to the Director of FEMA at that time. Notice how fast he was replaced. The footage is in 911 Eyewitness.
I believe the next showing was aired on August 25th. Was it an accident that it was aired on the day that the Kennybonkport affair was going on ?

I think not. I had heard that there were rumblings among the elite of the world that some of them were not to happy with the plans that were coming out of the Bush Administration. It came out at a very tense time.

Perhaps, just perhaps, the program may have been intended as a show of strength by some of the saner "powers that be" that they will broadcast the 911 Conspiracies more than the Bush Administration wants them too.
I believe that there are some of the "powers that be" that have been doing things a lot longer than the Bush family and that they are smart enough not to want to turn their own boats over either.

We are at a very perilous point in time.
What is common knowledge among the 911 Truthers is that the Official 911 Commission Report was forced onto the Bush Administration, was interfered with and directed by one of the members of the Bush Administration that should have been investigated.
Thomas Kean, The Chairman of the Commission even wrote a book last November in which he indicated the interference that the Commission had received from the Bush administration, constant pressure to complete it and denied sufficient funds to do it properly.
He might have been better off retracting his signature from the Official Report at that time since his son was running for the Senate as the Republican Party candidate and might have won in NJ with his "Independent Reformer" campaign.

The Chairman of the Commission, Thomas Kean was also an ex-governor of the State of New Jersey, therefore, in my humble opinion, he was not independent enough because as the Governor of New Jersey he had been involved with the owner of the World Trade Center the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey and had appointment power and veto power over decisions that the Port Authority made.

Christine Todd Whitman, is also an ex-governor of the State of New Jersey and she was also the one who declared that the air was safe to breath. I understand that she is a distant family member of the Bush family. She appointed Mr. Eisenberg to the Board of Directors of the Port Authority and Mr. Eisenberg was the man that signed the lease agreements with Mr. Silverstein and Mr. Lowy''s Westfield Group for the Retail Stores in July 2001.

Oh, what the hell, I might as well put it here also, in 1998 The Port Authority of NY & NJ issued a press release which can be found at their website that announced the first successful landing of a commercial aircraft at their Newark Airport solely by the use of the Global Positioning System. (They had the technology to fly pilot-less aircraft into the buildings.) Three days later they made another announcement in a press release. "HISTORIC SHIFT IN POLICY" they put the World Trade Center on the Public Market.

I was once told when hired to manage a complex series of organizations properly that it is OK to Rock the Boat once and a while but don't ever tip the Boat over.

The Bush Administration has been getting very close to tipping the boat over. The economic numbers that are being released are by the same Bush Administration that released the Official Story of 911.

The economy is terrible. The numbers may look good but Osama bin Laden also has a good face for a villain.

The economic indicators will appear to be even better now that the Army is paying bonuses of $20,000 to people who are unemployed and have no health insurance. That should do well to keep down the unemployment statistics. Is that the type of statistics the stock market has been using?

No wonder there is a mortgage credit and foreclosure problem.
What is this administrations answer to this problem?
George W Bush wants to set up a Federal Housing Administration. A Government agency that provides mortgage insurance to borrowers through lenders in the private sector. This is according to a Yahoo news article dated 8/31/07.

Let me see if this makes sense, people who can't afford to pay for their current mortgages can buy insurance from a government agency that will pay the private sector if the borrower fails to pay.

If they can't pay their current mortgage now? How can adding a new cost to the mortgage make the situation any better? Lengthening the time of the loan may reduce the monthly payment amount but it will also keep the debtor in financial enslavement longer and is not a cost reduction. Will the Mortgage insurance be considered an Income Tax Deduction or will the lender need to make more money than the new mortgage insurance to pay the taxes for the Mortgage insurance they bought?

Printing more monopoly money won't work. It didn't work for Hitler in Germany.

I wonder if his brother Marvin is still involved with the insurance business in Houston as he was in 2001?

Is he just giving the insurance companies another product to sell to the citizens? Like the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act that kept the insurance companies from doing actual investigations into the events of 911 that would have shown the frauds for what they were.

When are you going to offer insurance to the college students so that they can graduate with higher student loans that most won't be able to pay back because all the skilled jobs are being outsourced?

Just like paying people to join the Army so that you have them to send to Iraq & die won't cure the unemployment problems where you took them from.

Those statistics haven't been right for years. I can't think of one economic indicator that I can trust since the Coup of the 2000 presidential fraud in Florida when the US Supreme Court handed Bush the country.

The "powers that be" had spent to much time and money planning 911 and it was essential that George W. Bush be president because his father can control him. The secret governments of the world are in control not us. The CIA has been very good at training terrorists since 1947 despite signing the Charter to the UN in 1945. 60th activation anniversary coming up on September 18th.

The elite don't have to keep their words. They want to own everything and everybody but in the process they are beginning to get anxious and are extremely close to turning the boat over.

I an begging the saner more intelligent members of the "powers that be" not to let America's boat turn over.

God Save America and the world.

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