Sunday, September 23, 2007

GW - Standing up to Fascism

has nothing to do with one's ability to be a "real man".

Some fascists are "real men". They just lack honesty and have no moral beliefs. Stooges may be a better word for it.

I first bumped into the word "Globalization" last weekend at the Miller Center website. They broke our 200+ year history into 8 categories.

I have no idea why but that's what is displayed at that website. The last Category is labeled "Globalization" (1989- ) and lists presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush.

Today I read an article where Nancy Pelosi referred to the term Globalization and Alan Greenspan claimed that Bill Clinton embraced Globalization.

I do not like the term "Globalization". I think it stinks of Hitler and his set of Fascists.

BUT the term does explain why the 2000 Coup of the presidency was so important to those who were dishonest enough to cave into the pressure from the Bush Crime Family and the other countries that were also involved in 9/11.

There were at least 2 US Supreme court Judges who should have recuse themselves from voting on the 5-4 decision to appoint GWB president. Especially the one that was appointed by his father Bush Sr.

They don't teach the Bill of Rights or Constitution in history anymore. They are making students in some of the New Jersey Middle schools wear uniforms in public schools, similar to the Nazi youth league.

I am glad that Dan Rather has the guts to bring out the fact that the government has been influencing the media for a very long time.

The devaluing of the dollar is one of the economic means of lowering our standards of living without having to deal with the Constitution.

Our children, even the college graduates don't have any idea how bad off they are. That scares me. They are willing to sign anything even though it may not be what they think they are signing. That's where the foreclosures have come from.

I am going to become more of an activist and start handing out copies of the Bill of Rights and US Constitution. They need to be re-educated and think for themselves rather than rely on what someone is telling them to think.

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