Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A reply to a Comment about 9/11 not being the start of our problems.

Our problem started in 1947 when Truman signed the law that created the CIA. Just 2 years prior Truman signed the Charter to the United Nations with 49 other countries.

Here is a link to the Preamble of the Charter. If you would be so kind to read it you will find that the preamble contains words to the effect that "We would learn tolerance and act as good neighbors".

The CIA has released their "Family Jewels" which only shows that they were training and recruiting terrorists and performing covert operations since the early 1950s.

There is even a FBI document dated 11/22/1963 where a person named George H W Bush called a agent to report a death threat made against Kennedy when he went to Houston. The report states that the caller identified himself as President of Zapata Oil, would be staying at the Dallas-Sheraton that night and returning home the following day. Zapata Oil has since been known to be one of the CIA's covers for their terrorist activities into and against Cuba in the late 1950s.

I was a junior in high school when JFK was executed by the secret government who have become so powerful over the years that they did not mind at all showing us what a mockery our Judicial System was during the 2000 presidential Coup.

To much time and money from the more powerful elite, Royalty and Corporate Execs had been spent for Gore to win. I am talking multi-national billionaires. Royalty and people who have their own secret agencies that can help with the dirty work. The kind that you don't say no too. They needed George Junior to take the lead for his father who is able to control him.

Woodrow Wilson said in a speech to congress in 1918. 10 months before WWI ended that the only way to prevent wars was to be diplomatically with negotiations done OUT IN THE OPEN.

JFK inherited Eisenhower's and Nixon's Cuba activity and he did not approve. He had made a speech where he called on the American Press to help him uncover and secret parts of his administration.

I also think that we should start to investigate the Judges of the US Supreme Court who voted for Bush. THEY WERE THE ONES THAT GAVE OUR FREEDOMS AWAY.

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